Council Chambers
360 Dibble St. W.
Prescott, Ontario
  • Mayor Gauri Shankar, 
  • Councillor Mary Campbell, 
  • Councillor Justin Kirkby, 
  • Councillor Ruth Lockett, 
  • and Councillor Lee McConnell 
  • Matthew Armstrong, CAO/Treasurer, 
  • Nathan Richard, Director of Operations, 
  • Lindsey Veltkamp, Director of Administration/Clerk, 
  • Dana Valentyne, Economic Development Officer, 
  • and Owen Rayner, Administrative Assistant 

Mayor Shankar called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.


  • Motion135-2024
    Moved ByLockett
    Seconded ByMcConnell

    ​​That the agenda for the Council meeting of June 3, 2024, be approved as presented.


Councillor McConnell declared a conflict of interest on Item 7.1 - Correspondence T. Fleming, Cunningham Swan Integrity Commissioner Report on Code of Conduct - Final Report 23476-46, 23476-49, 2347651 and Item 7.1.a - Integrity Commissioner - Recommendation.

There were no presentations.


There were no delegations.


  • Motion136-2024
    Moved ByKirkby
    Seconded ByCampbell

    That the Council minutes dated May 21, 2024, be accepted as presented. 


Councillor McConnell vacated his seat at 6:05 p.m.

  • Motion137-2024
    Moved ByLockett
    Seconded ByKirkby

    That final reports 23476-46, 23476-49, and 23476-51 of T. Fleming Integrity Commissioner be received for information.


  • Motion138-2024
    Moved ByKirkby
    Seconded ByLockett

    That final reports 23476-46, 23476-49, and 23476-51 be made available to the public on the Town's website. 


Lindsey Veltkamp, Director of Administration/Clerk, spoke to the procedure for the item. 


  • Motion139-2024
    Moved ByKirkby
    Seconded ByLockett

    That Council implement the recommended financial penalty for final reports 23476-46, 23476-49, and 23476-51.

  • Motion140-2024
    Moved ByLockett
    Seconded ByKirkby

    That Council implement the non-financial sanction for final reports 23476-46, 23476-49, and 23476-51.


Discussion was held regarding punishment for infractions, the report providing accurate information available to the public, and the time spent by the Integrity Commissioner on the report.

Further discussion was held regarding the board position on the Prescott Heritage Committee and the use of the Committee to influence members.

Councillor McConnell returned to his seat at 6:21 p.m.


  • Motion141-2024
    Moved ByLockett
    Seconded ByCampbell

    That final report 23476-48 of T. Fleming Integrity Commissioner be received for information. 


  • Motion142-2024
    Moved ByKirkby
    Seconded ByLockett

    That final report 23476-48 be made available to the public on the Town's website. 


Lindsey Veltkamp, Director of Administration/Clerk, spoke to the procedure for the item. 


  • Motion143-2024
    Moved ByKirkby
    Seconded ByLockett

    That Council implement the recommended penalty and sanction for final report 23476-48.


Discussion was held regarding the recommended penalty, the potential difficulties finding new volunteers for the board due to the penalty, and the ability of the member to sit on alternate committees. 

  • Motion144-2024
    Moved ByLockett
    Seconded ByCampbell

    That all items listed under the Consent Reports section of the agenda be accepted as presented.


1. Prescott Cemetery Board of Management - Apr. 15, 2024 -  Minutes
2. CPHC - May 23, 2024 - Adult Day Program Information Poster
3. St. Lawrence Lodge Committee of Management - Apr. 23, 2024 - Minutes
4. Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism - May 27, 2024 - Letter re: Proposed Amendments to the OHA
5. Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit - May 23, 2024 - Board of Health Summary

  • Motion145-2024
    Moved ByKirkby
    Seconded ByLockett

    That Council approve the Prescott Heritage Committee's recommendation to remove the following properties from the Heritage Interest & Value Properties Listing:

    • 491 James Street West - Alexander House
    • 590 George Street - Labatt House
    • 177 Dibble Street East - Fraser House
    • 147 Dibble Street West - St. John's Manse
    • 392 Edward Street - Bruce Hutchinson Birthplace
    • St. Andrew's Manse

Discussion was held regarding the purpose of the removal of the properties from the Heritage Interest & Value Properties Listing.

Councillor McConnell spoke to Item 4 on the Council Information Package regarding the proposed amendment to the Ontario Heritage Act and the potential extension of the review period to 2027.

Councillor McConnell requested Item 8.2 - Staff Report 37-2024 - CIP Program be discussed under New Business.




Mayor Shankar spoke to his attendance at the MTJB Sunday Funday held on May 26,  Relay for Life held on May 30, and the opening of the Prescott Pop-Ups.


Councillor Campbell spoke to her attendance at the MTJB Sunday Funday held on May 26 and spoke to an upcoming Fire Administration meeting to be held on June 4.

Councillor Kirkby provided an update of Operational tasks including the opening of the Splash Pad, the installation of the hanging baskets in Town, and the painting of the water tower logo. He spoke to the maintenance of the path to the Prescott Pop-Ups and the installation of the security cameras.

Councillor McConnell spoke to his attendance at the Prescott Cemetery Board of Management meeting held on May 28.

Councillor Lockett spoke to her attendance at the St. Lawrence Lodge Board of Management and the Leeds, Grenville & Lanark Board of Health on May 23.




  • Motion146-2024
    Moved ByLockett
    Seconded ByCampbell

    That Council direct Staff to rescind the Notice of Objection to St. Lawrence Lodge for the 2024 Budget, subject to receiving the total resident days broken down by Municipal partner for the last 10 years, and

    That Council direct Staff to pay the quarterly levy amount based on the revised 2024 Levy subject to receiving the total resident days broken by Municipal partner for the last 10 years, and

    That Council direct Staff to put the $102,046 difference between the original 2024 St. Lawrence Lodge Levy, and the revised 2024 St. Lawrence Lodge Levy into a reserve to help offset future increases in the St. Lawrence Lodge Levy, and

    That Council ask for a formal response to the request that the St. Lawrence Lodge Board of Management undertake an Operational Review of St. Lawrence Lodge to be completed by November 30, 2024, with the intended outcome to fully analyze the organization's financial issues and produce recommendations that will stabilize and result in sustainable future municipal levy increases.


Matthew Armstrong, CAO/Treasurer, spoke to the report. He referenced the original levy amount, provided an overview of the new levy increase, and the increase over the last 2 years. He spoke to the recommendation to hold the $102,046 in a reserve for potential increases in the future.

Discussion was held regarding the importance of reviewing residential addresses within the Town's borders for an accurate budget.


  • Motion147-2024
    Moved ByMcConnell
    Seconded ByKirkby

    That Council direct Staff to proceed with the immediate replacement of the Marina A Dock for $80,500 plus HST from Kehoe Marina Construction.


Nathan Richard, Director of Operations spoke to the report. He spoke to the age of the dock, the repair efforts to date, and the replacement plan for the remaining marina docks.  He referenced the timeline for the replacement of the dock, and the readjustment of the replacement plan.

Discussion was held regarding scheduling the repairs while boats are docked in the marina, bringing the barge into the marina, and the dock having electricity.

  • Motion148-2024
    Moved ByCampbell
    Seconded ByKirkby

    That Council direct Staff to undertake the recruitment of a casual / part-time Operations Employee to cover leaves of absence and address workload requirements of the unionized Operations Staff throughout the year; and


    That Council direct Staff to develop and release a Request for Proposal for the operation of the Canteen at the Alaine Chartrand Community Centre for the 2024/2025 Ice Season.


Matthew Armstrong, CAO/Treasurer, spoke to the report. He provided an overview of the 2023/2024 ice season, the workload of the Parks & Recreation Department, the timing for the 2024/2025 Ice Season, and hiring of seasonal staff.

Discussion was held regarding the cost associated with the position.

Mr. Armstrong, CAO/Treasurer, provided an overview of the operation and changes with the canteen for the 2023/2024 season. 

Discussion was held regarding the benefits to running the canteen in house versus through a third party and potential changes to the operation.

Mr. Armstrong, CAO/Treasurer, provided a financial overview of the canteen.


Nathan Richard, Director of Operations spoke to the report. He provided an overview of the usage, the decline potentially due to the fee and the increase in options for electric vehicles, and spoke to the total revenue. 

Discussion was held regarding the subsidy from the federal government, the ability to relocate the chargers, and bringing back a report for the financials for the entire year.

  • Motion149-2024
    Moved ByKirkby
    Seconded ByLockett

    That Council direct the Mayor and Clerk to sign the License Agreement attached to Staff Report 42-2024 for the maintenance of the garden areas at the Prescott Coast Guard Base.


Matthew Armstrong, CAO/Treasurer, spoke to the report. He spoke to the purposed project at the Coast Guard Base, the conversations with the Coast Guard, and the requirement to enter into a License Agreement with Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Discussion was held regarding the financial implications and the use of perennial plants rather than annual plants.


There were no resolutions.




There were no by-laws.

Councillor Campbell spoke to the item. 

Matthew Armstrong, CAO/Treasurer, spoke to the purpose for the removal of the tree on King Street, additional trees that will need to be removed, and the design guidelines to come before Council with the Downtown Beautification Plan for consideration. 

Further discussion was held regarding expanding the area hanging baskets are currently located and other locations of trees that may require removal. 


  • Motion150-2024
    Moved ByMcConnell
    Seconded ByKirkby

    That Council direct Staff to meet with the Prescott Tennis Club to review the User Agreement.


Councillor McConnell spoke to the item.

Discussion was held regarding the current agreement, the current condition of the courts, current membership fees, and insurance coverage.

Further discussion was held regarding the number of members and scheduled public hours.


  • Motion151-2024
    Moved ByMcConnell
    Seconded ByKirkby

    That Council direct Staff to bring back a Staff Report regarding the CIP Loan portion to the Council meeting of June 17, 2024.


Councillor McConnell spoke to the Item.

Discussion was held regarding the approval of the CIP program, the eligibility criteria, and the approval of the funds at the Committee level rather than the Council level.

Further discussion was held regarding approval of the allocation, the difference between the CIP program and the Community Grant program, and the current process of approval of funding and loans. 

There were no notices of motion.


Mayor Shankar proclaimed June 2024 as Seniors' Month in the Town of Prescott.


There were no questions from the media.


There was no closed session.

There was no rise and report.


  • Motion152-2024
    Moved ByLockett
    Seconded ByMcConnell

    That By-Law 25-2024, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting held on June 3, 2024, be read and passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and sealed by the seal of the Corporation.

  • Motion153-2024
    Moved ByKirkby
    Seconded ByCampbell

    That the meeting be adjourned to Monday, June 17, 2024. (Time: 8:23 p.m.)
